
Limone, meaning lemon in Italian is no wonder famous for its lemon trees among other things. Located in the northern side of the lake and standing at 1,444 meters above sea level, Limone is a small, atmospheric town with narrow and winding streets.

The pillars and walls of the lemon houses (the typical hot-houses where lemons were grown) can still be seen today but nowadays agriculture is not anymore the main occupation of Limone residents. Its picturesque, historic town center, ancient homes, narrow streets, and ports surrounded by lush vegetation offer endless possibilities for pleasant, relaxing hikes and strolls both inland and along the lake.

Nowadays this small town of just over 1000 inhabitants, is a hot tourist destination on the Lake Garda. The first section of the bicycle path around the lake was built here and it is considered by many the most beautiful bike path in the world.

In 1979 researchers discovered that some native people possess a mutant form of a particular blood proteine(Apolyprotein A -1 MILANO).This protein protects the heart by removing fat from the arteries, even with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Because the village of Limone was inaccessible by road until the 1940s, it was secluded and few residents migrated in or out of it, thus preserving its unique genetics.

In combination with the unique, mild climate and a healthy Mediterranean diet rich in fresh-water fish, olive oil, and local citrus fruits, this protein is an effective weapon against atherosclerosis and heart disease.

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